Last week, our PR & social media manager Jessica, held a Q&A on Instagram to answer any questions you had surrounding social media.
Here are the most frequently asked ones below…
Which platforms should we use?
It really does depend on your customer demographic and what you want to achieve from the platforms. Personally, for B2C activity, I would be on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
Out of these, you will be able to gain an understanding of which one/s work best for what type of content.
Instagram is great for short snappier image lead posts, whereas, Facebook can be more conversational with stronger CTA’s and a longer lead time to grow an audience. Pinterest is very image focused but can be useful for those looking at interior renovation now, within the planning stages and capturing attention quickly.
Is there a good time to post?
There is no one for all answer on this as it does all depend on your customer demographic. A consumer with no children for example will behave differently to those that do, so it would be worth understanding your audience as you build your platforms.
For us, the key times are 9am, midday, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. So to start off with, I’d post first thing, midday or after 6pm.
Once you build your channels, you can also use the analytic tools to better understand your followers. These will highlight the key times of engagement and when your customers are most active.
If you’d like more help with this, please just let me know via the email address at the bottom of this page.
Do we need different content for every platform?
Not at all. The content can be duplicated across different platforms, but try where you can to keep Instagram shorter, snappier and lead with good quality images, whereas with Facebook, you can create a stronger call to action and lead customers directly to your website.
Try to understand your audiences on each platform, this will help a lot with creating content and differentiating across them too.
How often should we post?
To start, whilst building up your accounts and getting to grips with the platforms, I would start by posting 2/3 times a week on your feed.
The content can be duplicated across different platforms, but try to where you can, keep Instagram shorter and lead with good quality images and lots of relevant hashtags.
Can you recommend any apps to make graphics / Instagram stories?
Yes! Canva and Unfold are great.
Should I put any of my personal things onto my business account?
My honest opinion would be no. I’ve always been a firm believer of keeping the two separate but with a personal touch where needed on your business pages.