At PWS we strive to keep up with changing styles, offering our own timeless take on the current trends.
That’s why we’re thrilled to announce two new additions to our colour collection – Regiment and Carbon.

With both colours having an abundance of design possibilities, we’re joined by our Head of Design, Graeme, to tell us more about these new colours and most importantly, how to get the best out of them for your customers!

“To create a warm, welcoming space with Regiment, I’d recommend pairing the shade with a lighter contrasting tone like Putty or Porcelain, finished off with a selection of pewter or brass handles.
“Another great way to complement the earthy undertones of Regiment is to bring in a selection of natural elements to the space, with wooden, textured flooring and accessories. The shade also pairs effectively with industrial-style, black accessories that enable a dramatic edge to an otherwise soft kitchen.”


“A contemporary side of Carbon can be emphasised with a colour-match handle in black matt, combined with sleek black worktop and minimal accessories.”

“For a classic, heritage feel, contrasting ironmongery like hinges and handles in antique bronze can add a warm, embellished feel.”

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And finally…